...I was feeling a little blue waking up one morning, but had to get out of bed anyway. I walked down the spiraling staircase to the 2nd floor lounge. The room was filled with a hue of radiant sunlight beaming through the stain-glassed window. I sat in my armchair soaking it up, embracing the atmosphere. After a while, I noticed my mood felt more uplifted and my outlook a little more positive facing the day. I thought to myself, the magical healing powers of the Sun...
Morning, Morning Sun
Morning, Morning Sun
It stirs the life, my day has begun
My day has begun
River flowing, flowing deep
River talks, talks in my sleep
Makes me feel like I am home again
I'm home again
Memories fade
to crimson in the shade
Makes me feel
Like I am home again
I'm home again.
Morning, Morning Sun
Morning, Morning Sun
I bask in its glory, my day has begun
My day has begun
And as I wake, feel the warmth of your arms
The future looks bright
I'm home again,
I'm home again,
I'm home again,
Morning Sun.